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Every month, we deep dive on openness & honesty – all to help you do better together and get what you really want. 

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The higher you rise in leadership, the more your words carry weight.
How to manage challenging team members effectively.
Building Honest Connections Without Losing Who You’ve Become
The Power of Transparency in Leadership
My Journey to an Open and Honest Workplace

The Reflective Practice for Fast Paced Leaders

All it takes is ten minutes to complete.

All It Take Is Ten Minutes

When I ask my clients, “How are you doing?” I’ll get a variety of responses that boil down to either: good, busy, or stressed. Taking it further, they can easily rattle off three projects or people that are at the heart of why they’re feeling a particular way. But when I press a little more and ask about what’s going well, the responses are slower and harder to come by. 

I don’t blame them for this behavior; it’s ingrained in our psyches to identify our pain points and jump directly to solving them, especially as leaders in today’s world. But, how often do we simply reflect on all aspects of our lives? Where we take just ten minutes to get a clear snapshot of where we’re at in the moment. 

To that end I invite all my clients, and now you, to set aside those ten minutes of intentional reflection using The Still. We designed this practice specifically for fast paced leaders and individuals to help you uncover and become aware of your true condition, which is simply where you’re at in that given moment. 

Using the instructions, fill out the PDF below. If you’re leading a team or organization, I encourage you to add the following categories for additional reflection: Culture, People, Process, and Performance. 

Once completed, review The Still, and resist the urge to solve any discontentedness immediately. Take a minute to sit with it and take note of where you’re content, discontent, and, most importantly, why. The solving will come naturally later on.

There is power in reflection and knowing exactly where you’re at. From there, you’ll have a clear picture on knowing where to go next.