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Every month, we deep dive on openness & honesty – all to help you do better together and get what you really want. 

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The Power of Transparency in Leadership
What are you chasing?
The benefits to expect with honesty in the workplace.
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From Toxic to Thriving

My Journey to an Open and Honest Workplace

I’ve worked in environments where mistakes were met with explosions and criticism, where communication was almost nonexistent until something went wrong. At one job, I had a manager who seemed to have a knack for making me feel like I wasn’t good enough, no matter how hard I worked or how well I performed. I would push myself to hit great labor and time numbers, only to have him find something to pick on every time. 

In that place, there was no real communication—only one-sided conversations filled with frustration. It drained my enthusiasm for work, leaving me on autopilot just to get through each day. The atmosphere would shift to gloom the moment he pulled into the parking lot. I felt cheated out of my chance to make a difference in my role, and I had to be a “fake me” just to survive in that environment. Over time, I started to hate the job I once loved and the stress was overwhelming. I built walls around myself that future employers and colleagues would struggle to break down. My ability to have an open and honest working relationship was poisoned.  In the end, the effort to keep that position was no longer worth it. I was sad to leave, but I felt a huge sense of relief not having to carry that weight anymore. It allowed me to think clearly again and put my efforts where they truly counted.

Afterward, I took on a few part-time jobs until COVID hit, and I decided to stay home with our kids. I was fortunate enough to be able to search for a position that aligned with both my wants and needs, especially since we now homeschool our three little ones.

Two years into that search, things took a turn for the better.

I joined Know Honesty in December 2022 as the Conference Space Manager, and, admittedly, I was quite guarded. I was hesitant to be open and felt a lot of anxiety around making mistakes or addressing conflicts. Grace, my boss at the time, began teaching me about Know Honesty’s mission to transform how people communicate through openness and honesty. It didn’t take long before I grew to admire her and see her as a role model. And she didn’t just talk about it—she lived it.

During our time together, Grace was open and honest with me, which helped me slowly let my guard down. By the end of November 2023, I transitioned into Grace’s former role as Executive Assistant to Ken. Although I had known Ken somewhat before, this new role required us to work closely together to ensure the business ran smoothly while learning how we each operated. Ken’s patience and the inviting atmosphere he creates have made a world of difference. He truly embodies openness and honesty, setting the example for all of us. I love watching Ken and Grace work together—it’s inspiring. Even when they disagree, they’re able to collaborate to make the business better. I couldn’t be more proud to be part of a company that genuinely lives what they teach.

The abundance of communication here has been crucial. I can always ask questions and I’m not afraid to practice new skills, even if it means I make mistakes. It’s a loving, welcoming environment, and because of that, I’ve been able to grow into my role and contribute meaningfully to the team.

I operate differently than I used to—now in an open and honest atmosphere.

I’ve become more patient both at work and at home. I look forward to coming to work, and whether I’m in the office or attending a work event, it’s genuinely enjoyable.

The difference between my past work experience and the culture at Know Honesty is night and day.

Here, I’m not just surviving—I’m thriving.